Be Here, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
October has provided us a long stretch of quality instructional time, allowing us to further identify student needs and prepare accordingly with supports. In order to see growth we need your student here each day (unless they have a fever or have thrown up in the last 24 hours). When students are here, they are acknowledged with positive points in KickBoard that align with our House Traits of Accountability, Generosity, Integrity, and Perseverance. Soon, you'll be able to see your child's KickBoard dashboard to get an idea of their day at school.
Towards the end of the Report Card window, we saw a rush of families and students asking for make-up work to bring up their Q1 Grade. While our teachers are happy to support - it is your student's responsibility to complete assignments and tasks during the school day when they are here. We look forward to increased participation in active learning in the 2nd Quarter ahead!
Quarter 1 Celebrations - Grade Level Recognitions
We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of each of your students now that the 1st Quarter of school has wrapped up! Based on feedback received, we look forward to celebrating award recipients in grade-level groups to allow for a more personalized experience for your student. Please see the following dates and times for awards:
Thursday, November 7th
8:00am - 9:00am 4th Grade
10:05am - 10:55am 2nd Grade
11:05 - 11:55am Kindergarten
Friday, November 8th
8:45am - 9:35am 1st Grade
9:45am - 10:45am 3rd Grade
10:45am - 11:45am 5th Grade
We hope to see you there! We will recognize Honor Roll, Perfect & Excellent Attendance, and Outstanding Citizenship.
Upcoming Events
November 1st - NO SCHOOL, Diwali
November 4th - NO SCHOOL
November 5th - NO SCHOOL, Election Day - Get out and vote!
November 7th - K, 2nd, 4th Q1 Awards (see above)
November 8th - 1st, 3rd, 5th Q1 Awards (see above)
November 8th - 4th Grade Field Trip, Valentine Museum
November 15th - IB Testing (for 5th Grade students who applied)
November 21st - Title I Family Game Night @ DES - 4pm-6pm
November 27th-29th - NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving - Enjoy the time with your family and friends! We are thankful for all of our Dolphins.
Gifted Referral Window Open!
The gifted referral window is currently open through Tuesday, November 12th at 4PM. During this time, students may be referred to the gifted identification process by a teacher or parent/guardian. By submitting a referral, you are requesting your child be evaluated to determine eligibility for gifted services. To begin a referral, contact your Gifted Identification Coordinator with your student’s name, teacher, grade, and area of referral (Math, Language, Both) by using this Google Form link. Gifted referrals will not be accepted after 4PM on Tuesday, November 12th. Contact your Gifted Identification Coordinator, Jaela Harris, ( with questions about referrals or issues with completing the Google Form . Please review the following website to learn more about the referral process: Henrico Schools Gifted Services Website
Fall VALLSS Reports & Resources
VALLSS reports will be shared with parents through Parent Square on 10/25/24. Parents will receive an introductory message, and then the reports will be sent. The brochure I've linked offers additional information that will be shared with parents in the introductory post.
What is done with the data collected from the VALLSS Fall assessment?
-Teachers use this information to plan instruction and intervention, to ensure students get the support they need to catch up.
Who is able to review my child's report with me if I have questions?
-Teacher can address your questions about the Fall VALLSS report during Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences. You can also reach out to Stephanie Cross or Jenny Harkema on Parent Square to ask questions.
What does it mean if my child is identified in the High Risk band?
-If your child is in the high-risk band, they are significantly behind in basic literacy development and need targeted, explicit instruction. Your child is eligible for an additional 2.5 hours of literacy instruction per week through the Early Intervention Reading Initiative (EIRI). Ask your child's teacher about your child's intervention services.
What does it mean if my child is identified in the Moderate Risk band?
-If your child is in the moderate-risk band, your child is at moderate risk for developing a reading difficulty. Your child needs to receive targeted, explicit instruction in areas of need based on the VALLSS instructional indicators. This instruction will be delivered during small group instruction with your child's teacher.
How can I support my child at home?
Canned Food Drive
November 18th is the last day to donate for the Holiday Drive. We would like you to know that the grade level with the most donations will win a pizza party!!! So, please donate all the can goods! Make it the best holiday for EVERYONE!!!
-Ms. Archie, Family Advocate
PTO Papa Johns Spirit Nights
Thank you to everyone who helped make our Fall Festival a HUGE success! We had a great turnout, and tons of fun. Did you know that every month the Donahoe PTO received 20% back from food orders placed between the 15th and 21st of each month using the School Code "DONAHOE"?
-PTO Board (Join today!!)